janet peacock
my husband and i are getting divorced in minnesota. i would like an idea of how our debts and assets will be equitably divided. i have supported the family for the past 6+ years while my husband has started a business. his business is not yet very profitable (< 1000 net income in 2000). we incorporated the business 1/1/2001. i assume we will have a nofault divorce. our personal debt is slightly less than 20000 and we own a home with equity of about 20000. the business equity is realisticly about $35000 12/31/00. i will be moving out of our home and jointly buying a new home with my sister. will i have to pay spousal support because i've been making more $$? how does minnesota value a business that is growing? what factors into the "equitable" distribution of an asset that is not very valuable now? it will be quite valuable 15 years from now, and i worked so that our family would have that. i want my husband to keep the business but i want to be compensated fairly.