Ilive in a 3 family house owned by my sister. We do not have a lease, it is a month by month agreement. 2 days ago my "sister" put a letter in my mailbox letting me know that as of July 1,2001 she wants the apartment for my 21 year old nephew and his 2 friends because they are leasing a place now in a bad part of Boston. My question is can I withhold some of the rent to put in the bank so that we can have all the money we'll need for security deposits and everything else that goes along with moving? I have 3 children one of which is mentally handicapped and he has one leg. I hope someone can help me with an answer. We have been here for 8 years and the bathroom ceiling has fallen in on 2 of my daughters while they were in the shower. Can I call the board of health now that I have gotten an eviction notice or will it look like a case of bad apples. I didn't before because she's my sister and I figured I'd give her time to fix the problem. Needless to say she's my mothers daughter now. Thank You