GA resident: When my fiancee and I broke up almost 1yr ago he had agreed to pay what bills were left from the apt (power, cable, phone, etc.) and that we would each pay our parts on the cell phone bill. Needless to say he hasn't payed anything and everything was in my name (with exception of the lease, it was in both names). He is also supposed to pay for breaking a 3yr internet contract (in my name) when he gave the computer (in my name, but paid for out of a bank account with both names on it) to his ex-wife in exchange for child support. Currently this all adds up to about $3000. Do I have a chance at winning if I file with small claims even though these bills are in my name or have I basically been screwed??? (I do think that his name was listed on the cell phone account for a short period of time before we broke up and I had it removed, but he never had to sign any contracts or anything...he was just listed on there.)