What is the name of your state? WV A new company policy has been put into place for outside salesmen within this WV Company... Now, reimbursement for travel expense must follow a post report of activity _Sales call visit report_ and after that a third party will call the visited clients to validate this report.
Before this was imposed, reimbursement was timely and within a usual pay period (2 weeks), now it can extend beyond two pay periods or greater.
Is there laws in place to protect the employee from this extended time for reimbursement. Would the WV Wage Collection and Payment Act apply or are there other legal instruments?
The usual reimbursement can total from $100 to $500 or greater. This includes mileage, food, lodging etc.
Before this was imposed, reimbursement was timely and within a usual pay period (2 weeks), now it can extend beyond two pay periods or greater.
Is there laws in place to protect the employee from this extended time for reimbursement. Would the WV Wage Collection and Payment Act apply or are there other legal instruments?
The usual reimbursement can total from $100 to $500 or greater. This includes mileage, food, lodging etc.
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