We bought a used 1996 minivan ,in Illinois, from a used car dealer 3 months ago. It seemed to be alright. The dealer let us drive it for the weekend and it seemed fine, so we decided to buy it. Shortly after we signed papers and paid $2000.00 down on it, the serpentine belt broke. That cost $100.00 to repair. The day that happened, I drove it to the dealer and he said that comes with buying a used vehicle. Last weekend we were turning a corner and the transmission slipped down to first gear and would not go forward again. We called a dealer, not the one we bought it from, and were told that it might be inside the transmision. I got it to that dealer the following Mon. and was told that a shaft had broken and I was lucky I made it to the shop, and it would cost $1560.00 to get it fixed. Not having any other transportation, we had to get it fixed at that cost. I checked around to see if it could be done elsewhere cheaper, but most wanted the same or more. Is there anything we can do to the dealer we bought the van from to make him pay for the repairs to this vehicle that is turning out to be a lemon. Please send help.Thank You if you can.