Junior Member
What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state?ca i am renting from a slum lord there are many things wrong like rotting underneith tile in bathroom prob from leaks or tolet leaks in walls in living room and is crumbling and mold you can tell its been doing that for years my boyfriend has done some repairs we have lived here for a year at first we were trying to be sympathetic to the landloard hes in his 70's and was taking care of his dying wife so we weren't pushing the repairs untill we started finding serious ones like the garage floods my boyfriend is in the constuction business and lost hundreds in tools and materials landloard didnt care now his wife has died and prop mgnt is handling things who is ajerk we have 1 letter for repairs we had a bad month and did not pay mays rent got a 3 day pay or quit got monies on 4th day he refused then acouple days later we got the unlawfull detainer we didnt know that u have 5 days and wekends count to file an answer so we missed that then sherriff served us papers that we have to be out in 1 week we have a baby how can this happen so fast and is there anyway of stopping or delaying this