I was reading the sunday paper when an add for a camera on sale catches my eye. I look into the camera and decide it is a very good deal and decide to drive out and buy it. The camera had a $40 instant rebate and a $40 mail in rebate. When I went to buy it they said they did not have it but they would substitute a different one for the same price. I bought it but soon took it back because this camera would not work on my computer...I needed the one in the add. I went back they said they could not give me even a rain check and they didnt have it. When I got home I called the manager to talk to him. I explained that they advertised on the front page a camera that I wanted and they wouldnt sell it to me. He said they ran out and no matter what he couldnt give it to me. Well this is wrong isnt it? If they place an add they should be able to sell it to me as advertised. The add expired in half a week so it was well in time. The man said on page 10 of the paper it says in small letters, "All products subject to price change and availability." Well I gave up because I figured that was it. Well later I call another one of their stores and the guy there said they ran out of the camera BEFORE they even placed the ad. Now is there anything I can do? Is this false advirtising? They displayed a product in the front page and were not able to sell it to me.