What is the name of your state?NY
I went to court to have my ex pay for child support. under oath he told the judge that he was currently not working and was laid off. we had a temporary order for him to pay 600 a month. (we have another hearing in January for the judgement). a few days later i get a paper from the court with the temporary judgement and see that he has listed his current employer as being the company that laid him off. is this legal to give false information under oath. also i think i have to go back to court to fight for custody...can i do a search on his banking and background information on line? like if he has other children and so forth.
I went to court to have my ex pay for child support. under oath he told the judge that he was currently not working and was laid off. we had a temporary order for him to pay 600 a month. (we have another hearing in January for the judgement). a few days later i get a paper from the court with the temporary judgement and see that he has listed his current employer as being the company that laid him off. is this legal to give false information under oath. also i think i have to go back to court to fight for custody...can i do a search on his banking and background information on line? like if he has other children and so forth.