What is the name of your state?California
I was falsely accused by an ex-friend, who fell as she went out the door when asked to leave, of shoving her with all my strength causing her to fall and hit her chin on the banister of my porch. I was charged with assualt and battery and chose to fight it instead of pleaing out to something I did not do. Trial date came and the DA had no victim so my case was dismissed. However I am now out a lot of money, not to mention the stress of the past year wondering if I was going to jail for a year, all due to her lies. What can I do to see that she faces punishment for fileing a false police report and is there anything I can do about having my attorney fees covered by her? Can I sue her for slander or defamation of character or anything for that matter? Thank you for your time.
I was falsely accused by an ex-friend, who fell as she went out the door when asked to leave, of shoving her with all my strength causing her to fall and hit her chin on the banister of my porch. I was charged with assualt and battery and chose to fight it instead of pleaing out to something I did not do. Trial date came and the DA had no victim so my case was dismissed. However I am now out a lot of money, not to mention the stress of the past year wondering if I was going to jail for a year, all due to her lies. What can I do to see that she faces punishment for fileing a false police report and is there anything I can do about having my attorney fees covered by her? Can I sue her for slander or defamation of character or anything for that matter? Thank you for your time.