What is the name of your state? Texas
Hi everyone, I found myself mulling this over and was wondering about how to accomplish a thing.
When my ex filed for custody of my son (he had been out of our lives and reemerged when he was getting remarried), the judge here in Dallas county ordered us to a co-parenting class given by a certain guy here in Dallas. The guys name is Coakley and I had to pay 600 for this class.
Now I'm no dummy, I've had classes in psychology, abnormal psych, child psych and a few other psych classes. I have an older child too whom is a wonderful child and am a pretty good mom. The ex terrorised me for his own nutso reasons..Regardless, this class was set up as a group and basically had a surely assistant preaching to us and never letting us have input. Scolding us for our input and telling us that THEIR way was the only way. Basically telling us to ignore the other parent and get on with life. Well..um..anyway, it was a waste of time, it really was (we all agreed in the class it was useless..there were two doctors, a lawyer and other professionals in this class of 8 women) and if anything, it caused many of us to have even worse relationships with our ex's.
According to all the info I can find, these judges are sending this guy hundreds of clients, ordering them to go to this conflict disengagement course. I have NO idea if the judges really know what its about, how useless it is..yada yada.
Here is the real question...
I think that either the courts are snowed on this guy and have fallen for his easy money scam, not really knowing how the program works (or doesn't work) or some type of kickback is going on. If I and others truly feel that this is a major mistake on the part of these judges, and this guy is getting rich off of a tool that - if handled by private practictioners might work - how do we put a stop to it? The money handed over for things like this would be better spent on the children.
How do I stop this? How do I file a complaint or ask that an investigation be made into this worthless program? I personally think an undercover person should go in and get the real deal, but thats just my opinion.
What do I do if I feel this strongly about it?
Hi everyone, I found myself mulling this over and was wondering about how to accomplish a thing.
When my ex filed for custody of my son (he had been out of our lives and reemerged when he was getting remarried), the judge here in Dallas county ordered us to a co-parenting class given by a certain guy here in Dallas. The guys name is Coakley and I had to pay 600 for this class.
Now I'm no dummy, I've had classes in psychology, abnormal psych, child psych and a few other psych classes. I have an older child too whom is a wonderful child and am a pretty good mom. The ex terrorised me for his own nutso reasons..Regardless, this class was set up as a group and basically had a surely assistant preaching to us and never letting us have input. Scolding us for our input and telling us that THEIR way was the only way. Basically telling us to ignore the other parent and get on with life. Well..um..anyway, it was a waste of time, it really was (we all agreed in the class it was useless..there were two doctors, a lawyer and other professionals in this class of 8 women) and if anything, it caused many of us to have even worse relationships with our ex's.
According to all the info I can find, these judges are sending this guy hundreds of clients, ordering them to go to this conflict disengagement course. I have NO idea if the judges really know what its about, how useless it is..yada yada.
Here is the real question...
I think that either the courts are snowed on this guy and have fallen for his easy money scam, not really knowing how the program works (or doesn't work) or some type of kickback is going on. If I and others truly feel that this is a major mistake on the part of these judges, and this guy is getting rich off of a tool that - if handled by private practictioners might work - how do we put a stop to it? The money handed over for things like this would be better spent on the children.
How do I stop this? How do I file a complaint or ask that an investigation be made into this worthless program? I personally think an undercover person should go in and get the real deal, but thats just my opinion.
What do I do if I feel this strongly about it?
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