What is the name of your state? South carolina
We are looking to do a contingency on a house we like. We noted when we pull the tax records up online, it brings up an aerial map of the land. The plot does not match the fence line between the house and the one next to it. The fence looks like it strays over onto neigbors property. Do we say anything since it looks like they are the ones who put up the fence or do we do nothing? Our agent states that if they ever sell and new owners note it, we may be responsible to move it eventually. Any suggestions?
We are looking to do a contingency on a house we like. We noted when we pull the tax records up online, it brings up an aerial map of the land. The plot does not match the fence line between the house and the one next to it. The fence looks like it strays over onto neigbors property. Do we say anything since it looks like they are the ones who put up the fence or do we do nothing? Our agent states that if they ever sell and new owners note it, we may be responsible to move it eventually. Any suggestions?