TOP 10 Ways To Tell That You're In Love With A Convict - -
NUMBER 10: No pick-up line better than "have sex with me or I'll have you executed."
NUMBER 9: He tells you, "Of all the women I've slept with, you're somewhere in the 40-45th percentile."
NUMBER 8: He lovingly mentions, "You know, you're almost as good as some of the men around here."
NUMBER 7: To simulate being with you, he closes his eyes and hugs Bubba.
NUMBER 6: To demonstrate his love for you, he balloons up to your weight - - 346 pounds.
NUMBER 5: He wants to be up front about his past lovers, even if it takes all weekend to list them.
NUMBER 4: When he's not in prison, he's the coolest, and dreamiest guy on the Indian reservation.
NUMBER 3: Sends you love poem: "I'd like for you and I to date, `cause you're so much prettier than my cellmate."
NUMBER 2: He invites you for a lovely candlelit dinner in the mess hall.
AND NOW, the NUMBER ONE Way To Tell That You're In Love With A Convict - -
He whispers to you, "why do you think you're too fat to make love? Just let me use one of your folds."