Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Terri Iowa
My question is my finance was just taken back to court to raise his child support. And it was ordered by the judge to increase. I think he was treated unfairly in the court room, he had hired a Iowa attny and the attny filed for a continuance and was denied, so he had no legal represation. The Judge and other attny kept going into the judges chambers without asking Larry to go in. Anyway not only did they raise his child suuport from 411.00 a month to 635.00 + ins. This is going to hurt Larry he makes good money 1 time a year and the rest of the time he only brings home 700.00 every 2 weeks. But our biggest cpmplaint is we received a letter from the clerk of court stating that he now has to pay form her attny fees. He doesn't have the money. And they made his child support retro active from May , so now he is behind. Is there anything he can do to fight paying her attny fees.
My question is my finance was just taken back to court to raise his child support. And it was ordered by the judge to increase. I think he was treated unfairly in the court room, he had hired a Iowa attny and the attny filed for a continuance and was denied, so he had no legal represation. The Judge and other attny kept going into the judges chambers without asking Larry to go in. Anyway not only did they raise his child suuport from 411.00 a month to 635.00 + ins. This is going to hurt Larry he makes good money 1 time a year and the rest of the time he only brings home 700.00 every 2 weeks. But our biggest cpmplaint is we received a letter from the clerk of court stating that he now has to pay form her attny fees. He doesn't have the money. And they made his child support retro active from May , so now he is behind. Is there anything he can do to fight paying her attny fees.