What is the name of your state? OH
I am a student from Dayton, OH and I am having a problem. My father refused to fill out his tax information until late July and when he gave it to me, he said, "Oh, by the way, it's wrong. Just fill out the financial aid information and then later correct it." I had tried to get his tax information ever since March and he waited until July 29th to give it to me and then tells me it's wrong! I told him time and time again that they check the accuracy of the records and I will be fined or put in jail for forgery. Financial aid will consider me independent when I'm 24. I will be 21 in September and I live completely on my own. I cannot depend on him financially (or informationally) for anything. Is there any way that I can be considered legally financially independent so I don't have to miss school because of his refusal to do his taxes (not to mention correctly)? I appreciate any information that would be of use. Thank you.
I am a student from Dayton, OH and I am having a problem. My father refused to fill out his tax information until late July and when he gave it to me, he said, "Oh, by the way, it's wrong. Just fill out the financial aid information and then later correct it." I had tried to get his tax information ever since March and he waited until July 29th to give it to me and then tells me it's wrong! I told him time and time again that they check the accuracy of the records and I will be fined or put in jail for forgery. Financial aid will consider me independent when I'm 24. I will be 21 in September and I live completely on my own. I cannot depend on him financially (or informationally) for anything. Is there any way that I can be considered legally financially independent so I don't have to miss school because of his refusal to do his taxes (not to mention correctly)? I appreciate any information that would be of use. Thank you.