Brenda aka KMH E-mailed me late that night. WE have spoken several times by phone. I can tell you all without hesitation she is a trully wonderful mother and person! There's NO reason for C.P.S. to isolate her children from their mother.
I spent some time on the phone calling Phoenix Arizona investigating legal options for Brenda. I discovered some very interesting things.
Brenda is NOT likely elgible to receive ANY legal aid!
Why you ask?
When C.P.S. involves itself in a case, other (government funded) services refuse to represent the person involved. C.P.S is also government funded. In essence the government would be paying itself to fight itself.
However long the investigation last, the person involved can't receive any government funded representation. Now when and if the investigation concludes and CHARGES FILED. Then the person involved MAY be elgible for a PUBLIC DEFENDER.
MY friend Janet is strictly doing bankruptcies now but did help me with some refferal options. I discussed these with Brenda and tomorrow she is going to a consultation. I'm picking up the tab by credit card.
Now to ALL YOU WONDERFUL people. Several of you have responded to me personally asking how you can help.
Brenda has came forward making herself public. Each time I talked to her she held back tears and kept saying Thank You, and she could'nt believe there's people out there like us.
Shannon built a webpage for Brenda telling her story along with her picture. We're also adding pictures of her son Danny, and daughter Daniel. This page will link to both my sites. Today I have received OVER 700 hits.
There's a paypal link on the site for any donations. We will post ALL donation amounts along with NAMES on this board daily. We will edit the same post daily to add names and watch the total rise. Brenda will be able to use this as a retainer.
Once Brenda has retained an attorney we can direct all funds directly to the attorney.
If the senior members could offer some legal advice for Brenda on this thread would be outstanding. What could she file while she's raising funds for a retainer? Show Cause Motion? Etc?
There're many OUTSTANDING attorneys in here who could give her some direction. Now is your chance to show how great this forum is.
Shannon and I are also willing to help construct legal documents for Brenda to file on her own now to demand a hearing. All we need is some direction in the pleading. Anyone else willing to help would be excellent too.
Free Advice should be proud of us ALL.
Brendas link