No, she did not have a record when I asked initially for drug testing. The criminal drug charges came later. Plus she was still 17 when I asked for drug testing... anything would have been in a juvenille record and I would not have known about it anyway.
It really depends on how it is presented to the Judge. Her lawyer argued about the testing, but the Judge said no, he wasn't taking any chances when a minor child was involved. He said "both of you can go, that settles that".
I'd also like to add that when one party asks for drug testing.... and a Judge orders Both parties to get tested, it is NOT always just ONE test. I had to go for 6 HFT !! They were VERY expensive. All mine were negative, she did NOT accuse me of using drugs. My tests were 145.00 each! Hers were 175.00 each... (she was also ordered urine tests with HFT)....