What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Maryland
I do work for a large corporation with many offices throughout the US, but based in Japan. This company outsources their IT support to a large IT Support corporation in India. This company in turn subcontracts me to a company in CA that does nothing but print my check (W-2).
Most of the IT Support people that I deal with, possibly 95% of them, are Indians based all over the US. Besides from having a difficult time understanding them, two workers on visas have been brought over here to fill one vacancy in our group.
My situation is unique because I never signed a contract! That issue somehow slipped through the cracks (I may start another thread about this later).
I feel very threatened, well, downright insulted. I have been working in this place since April and my work has been good; attendance has been excellent. Now, with the extra worker there, there's nothing do do and I feel like I'm the next to go.
Do I have any rights as a US citizen to keep my employment?
Do workers rights of any kind exist in America? Sadly, I think not.
In addition, the Indian company that recruited me never told me I would have to work odd shifts and carry carry a phone 24x7. I have to work occasional Saturdays (without extra compensation), and have to take off a day during the week so I don't go over 40 hours.
This treatment has been degrading. I would never have agreed to work there under those conditions. I have to rent a room locally while maintaining a residence in a state 150 miles away. I thought I would atleast get paid overtime.
I also thought there would be laws in place to hire local people especially with the unemployment rate so high.
Do I have any legals right in this situation? Keep in mind I didn't a contract.
When will our government start doing soemthing for it's workers?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?
I do work for a large corporation with many offices throughout the US, but based in Japan. This company outsources their IT support to a large IT Support corporation in India. This company in turn subcontracts me to a company in CA that does nothing but print my check (W-2).
Most of the IT Support people that I deal with, possibly 95% of them, are Indians based all over the US. Besides from having a difficult time understanding them, two workers on visas have been brought over here to fill one vacancy in our group.
My situation is unique because I never signed a contract! That issue somehow slipped through the cracks (I may start another thread about this later).
I feel very threatened, well, downright insulted. I have been working in this place since April and my work has been good; attendance has been excellent. Now, with the extra worker there, there's nothing do do and I feel like I'm the next to go.
Do I have any rights as a US citizen to keep my employment?
Do workers rights of any kind exist in America? Sadly, I think not.
In addition, the Indian company that recruited me never told me I would have to work odd shifts and carry carry a phone 24x7. I have to work occasional Saturdays (without extra compensation), and have to take off a day during the week so I don't go over 40 hours.
This treatment has been degrading. I would never have agreed to work there under those conditions. I have to rent a room locally while maintaining a residence in a state 150 miles away. I thought I would atleast get paid overtime.
I also thought there would be laws in place to hire local people especially with the unemployment rate so high.
Do I have any legals right in this situation? Keep in mind I didn't a contract.
When will our government start doing soemthing for it's workers?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?