What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Texas
I am posting this for a friend who can't really. It sort of falls into two possible areas. First is criminal (shoplifting) and the second is slander.
My friend was recently at a store and had some merchandise from the store planted on her by the friend of a friend that doesn't like her, so that when she walked out and set off the detector, they searched her and found it. They are pressing charges for shoplifting. When I first talked to her I pretty much told her that they caught her with the goods and as a result the case will fall on her to prove that she didn't steal it (through video surveillance I guess). Is this true and what other options might be available to her? (Additionally, would you suggest a hired lawyer or a state appointed lawyer? She doesn't have a lot of money so she could probably have one appointed, but I don't want to see her lose a case she might be able to win if one lawyer is better than the other.)
The other part of this is that the store said they would call her current employer and report she stole merchandise. Since Texas has practically zero laws protecting employees, they can pretty easily fire her over this since she works at a store that handles retail goods. She couldn't make a case against her employer over wrongful discharge, even though she hasn't been to court and proven to be guilty of actually shoplifting anything. My question is: Could she, if she is fired and found not guilty of shoplifting, sue the store that called her employer and informed them about her shoplifting; for slander?
I am posting this for a friend who can't really. It sort of falls into two possible areas. First is criminal (shoplifting) and the second is slander.
My friend was recently at a store and had some merchandise from the store planted on her by the friend of a friend that doesn't like her, so that when she walked out and set off the detector, they searched her and found it. They are pressing charges for shoplifting. When I first talked to her I pretty much told her that they caught her with the goods and as a result the case will fall on her to prove that she didn't steal it (through video surveillance I guess). Is this true and what other options might be available to her? (Additionally, would you suggest a hired lawyer or a state appointed lawyer? She doesn't have a lot of money so she could probably have one appointed, but I don't want to see her lose a case she might be able to win if one lawyer is better than the other.)
The other part of this is that the store said they would call her current employer and report she stole merchandise. Since Texas has practically zero laws protecting employees, they can pretty easily fire her over this since she works at a store that handles retail goods. She couldn't make a case against her employer over wrongful discharge, even though she hasn't been to court and proven to be guilty of actually shoplifting anything. My question is: Could she, if she is fired and found not guilty of shoplifting, sue the store that called her employer and informed them about her shoplifting; for slander?