i recently bought a used jeep. the dealer i bought it from assured me his mechanic looked at it and all was good. we had mutual business contacts, so i took him at his word. after i bought the vehicle i went straight to dmv to register and inspect my new jeep. they failed me for brakes out of adjustment. but when i took it to my mechanic, i needed all new brake system..722 bucks....the dealer doesn't want to deal with me.when i ask who their mechanic is he says he doesn't know which one they took it to. i said give me all of them and i will go to each one. i need to know if in fact anyone did look at it. is that fraud, what can i do?....i want to picket his business tomorrow, a busy saturday...is that legal? help me please?
i live in new jersey...i would picket in rahway...
i live in new jersey...i would picket in rahway...