Whilst I was with my ex girlfriend, she found herself in a bit of trouble financial wise. She was about to move into a new house and needed money for the deposit. Being the fool that I am, I offered to pay it for her. Since then we have obviously broken up. Immediately after the break up we agreed that she would repay the money over time. I didn't pressure her in any way and didn't kick up any fuss when months had passed and no money had been paid. Finally I got back in touch and asked where she was up to regarding the money. She replied saying that she owed me no money and that nothing would be repaid. So I was wondering if anybody knew whether I have any claim on the deposit I paid? Is there a way that I can get that money back for the letting agency? I paid it with my own personal debit card, so I imagine they have that information still on record. I know that I have been a total idiot throughout this situation, but I'm young and have since put the whole affair down to a learning experience.