What is the name of your state?Mi. I'll keep it as short as I can. Son has POA over Mom & Dad (My Grandparents). Son tries to claim GPA is incomatant. Sister,Mom&Dad(My Grandparents)go to court and sister is given gaurdinship for medical only. Sister,Mom&Dad and court app. attorney then cancel POA of son and appt. no POA.Both of my grandparents are in a home and gma my be ok in a month or so. Sister has requested full guardinship. The nursing home said the change of POA may not be vaild cause my grandparents could not make there own medical desicions. I have little or no respect for the court appt. attorney who let them not have a POA and their money was not handle correctly(All the money is in cd' at a bank) Is there a way I can step in in the courts someway??? BTW the son has a case against him in which he got his name on and elders house,which he has also done to his parents. I forgot to say that the will was changed to drop the son when the POA was cancled. It appears that the money will end up gone and the son will get the house.