I had a hearing with the ADJ about a week ago for an overpayment from 2014. I did not know what I was doing when I had my hearing or what to say. I freaked out and had an anxiety attack during my hearing and did prove my case to him about why my appeal was late. I stated to him that I was confused and did not know how to go about things which was true but I forgot to mention to him during this hearing while having an anxiety attack (wasn't thinking straight). That I did not file this appeal on time because I was told by EDD that this case was attached to another case from 2012. So I assumed that they already had made the decision for me since they add this case to another case. They also told me that my monthly payment would be going up because more $$ was going to be added so it from 61 to 359. So I took it I couldn't appeal this decision based on the fact that they had this case to another case which I was told they were not suppose too added both cases together. When I found out that my monthly overpayment was going up all I could do was think how to pay for this ever month ( I Cant afford to pay this amount every month) . I spoke to EDD several times about this overpayment amount and on how I could lower it but they said they couldn't . I then spoke to another EDD rep and she told me to file an appeal and talk to the judge and to pile my case . So that's what I did but as I letting you know the judge ruled against me and said that I did not have good cause on why my appeal was late.
So my appeal was dismissed and I don't agree with it. Because I wasn't able to really tell he why I filed my appeal late.
So I have the option of appealing the ADJ ruling but im not sure how to go about it.
what are my chances of me getting a second hearing based on the fact that I had an anxiety attack during this simple late hearing? or would they just give me a decision based on what I submit and what I said on the recording during my late appeal?
I would like to write the appeal on my own and see what they say. I cannot afford a lawyer but I am going to consult with a lawyer about this matter anyways.
need help writing 2nd appeal
I live in California
Please help.
I had a hearing with the ADJ about a week ago for an overpayment from 2014. I did not know what I was doing when I had my hearing or what to say. I freaked out and had an anxiety attack during my hearing and did prove my case to him about why my appeal was late. I stated to him that I was confused and did not know how to go about things which was true but I forgot to mention to him during this hearing while having an anxiety attack (wasn't thinking straight). That I did not file this appeal on time because I was told by EDD that this case was attached to another case from 2012. So I assumed that they already had made the decision for me since they add this case to another case. They also told me that my monthly payment would be going up because more $$ was going to be added so it from 61 to 359. So I took it I couldn't appeal this decision based on the fact that they had this case to another case which I was told they were not suppose too added both cases together. When I found out that my monthly overpayment was going up all I could do was think how to pay for this ever month ( I Cant afford to pay this amount every month) . I spoke to EDD several times about this overpayment amount and on how I could lower it but they said they couldn't . I then spoke to another EDD rep and she told me to file an appeal and talk to the judge and to pile my case . So that's what I did but as I letting you know the judge ruled against me and said that I did not have good cause on why my appeal was late.
So my appeal was dismissed and I don't agree with it. Because I wasn't able to really tell he why I filed my appeal late.
So I have the option of appealing the ADJ ruling but im not sure how to go about it.
what are my chances of me getting a second hearing based on the fact that I had an anxiety attack during this simple late hearing? or would they just give me a decision based on what I submit and what I said on the recording during my late appeal?
I would like to write the appeal on my own and see what they say. I cannot afford a lawyer but I am going to consult with a lawyer about this matter anyways.
need help writing 2nd appeal
I live in California
Please help.