What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state? Tennessee
I am 19, female, live in Tennessee and I met someone (male) online who lives in California and is 17. I am making plans to go and see him within the near future, but we are only friends and do not intend to have anykind of sexual contact with each other. Could there be legal problems when I get there if his mother decides that she doesn't want him seeing me, even though our age difference is under 3 years? Could she have me arrested? If so or if not, please list the legal code that would pertain to this situation.
I am 19, female, live in Tennessee and I met someone (male) online who lives in California and is 17. I am making plans to go and see him within the near future, but we are only friends and do not intend to have anykind of sexual contact with each other. Could there be legal problems when I get there if his mother decides that she doesn't want him seeing me, even though our age difference is under 3 years? Could she have me arrested? If so or if not, please list the legal code that would pertain to this situation.