I have a 7 year old grandson, who I have not been able to see in quite some time. One, due to me moving an hour away and two, my son (who is an alcoholic) has not seen his son in a year. The girlfriend and mother of grandson has made it impossible for me to see him the entire 7 years. She got a restraining order against my son over a year ago. I have tried to make contact with her and grandson, called and have sent packages. Saw him for 3 hours in January for his birthday. I have recently asked for a day or two with him but no response. In court documents (from a year and a half ago) it states that my son could see his son with supervision, that would be me, and that I was entitled to visitation. Her current boyfreind doesnt want my grandson to associate with his my family. I know he has no say so, but she hasn't been returning my calls, so she is in agreement with him. Being that my son has agreed for me to pursue the matter with his permission, is there anything stopping me from obtaining visitation?
Robin in So. Calif.
Robin in So. Calif.