What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state?Kentucky
My question is:
My grandmother is 85 yrs old and has been deemed incompetiant. My mom is 1 of 5 children. My youngest uncle is now staying with grannie to take care of her. He and one of my other uncles went into grannies safety deposit box and read her will. The one uncle (who is not living with grannie) has appointed himself as her legal guardian. The youngest uncle ( the one who is living with her) and the other uncle did this (appointing) without any of the other children knowing of it. After they did so, they informed mom and the other 2 sons that they had done so. They then read her will (remember that she is incompetiant however still alive) and they are now going through her money and seperating her belongings as if she were dead. Needless to say the two sons that are doing all of this, are the only ones to get anything. However, in grannies will Mom had been appointed executor of grannies will, (by grannie herself in 2002 when she had the will written).
My question is can they legally do this, and can they legally do this in the manner of which they have?????????
Mom doesnot know who to go to, or where to go. But she feels that they are not fullfilling grannies wishes. At the rate that they are going, the two sons will have gone through everything that she has worked for before she is even put in the ground. Probably not even keeping enough money to finally put her in the ground. Can someone please help me, so that I can help mom. I appreciate anything that some can offer.
Thanking you in advance for any and all help that we can get. By the way, I and my mom live in Florida, however, grannie lives in Kentucky, along with the rest of the sons.
HELP!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!
My question is:
My grandmother is 85 yrs old and has been deemed incompetiant. My mom is 1 of 5 children. My youngest uncle is now staying with grannie to take care of her. He and one of my other uncles went into grannies safety deposit box and read her will. The one uncle (who is not living with grannie) has appointed himself as her legal guardian. The youngest uncle ( the one who is living with her) and the other uncle did this (appointing) without any of the other children knowing of it. After they did so, they informed mom and the other 2 sons that they had done so. They then read her will (remember that she is incompetiant however still alive) and they are now going through her money and seperating her belongings as if she were dead. Needless to say the two sons that are doing all of this, are the only ones to get anything. However, in grannies will Mom had been appointed executor of grannies will, (by grannie herself in 2002 when she had the will written).
My question is can they legally do this, and can they legally do this in the manner of which they have?????????
Mom doesnot know who to go to, or where to go. But she feels that they are not fullfilling grannies wishes. At the rate that they are going, the two sons will have gone through everything that she has worked for before she is even put in the ground. Probably not even keeping enough money to finally put her in the ground. Can someone please help me, so that I can help mom. I appreciate anything that some can offer.
Thanking you in advance for any and all help that we can get. By the way, I and my mom live in Florida, however, grannie lives in Kentucky, along with the rest of the sons.
HELP!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!