What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state? Arizona
Help, This guy I was seeing for approx 1-2 months was staying at my house for approx 3 days to a week. Well he stole my car and items out of my house while I was asleep. I was going over and around where he says at his moms house and in and around his neighborhood (because I new people there too) and his mom was getting mad because it seamed every time I would be there something would happen or he'd do something to me and I would call the police.So in the mean time I was sitting accross the street trying to find out where he was going to either sell or trade my stuff he stole for drugs. Well she didn't like the fact I was sitting outside her house. So she went to file for a injunction against harassment on ME.In the meantime I was trying to get one on him and his little friend and the judge wanted to see us both so he set the date 1 month away. Just after I went to see the judge and of course the 2 guys did not show up. I did receive my injuction against harassment but it was never served because the mother and everyone else is hiding him or lying for him. So I protested the mothers and because the judge said I was late (which I was only maybe 3 to 5 minutes) and also I was waiting to ask if I could go into the court room but the court clerks were to busy talking to each other, So she was granted an injunction against me. Then I find out that they are moving. thats the only reason why she wanted it. B U T, a couple days before this court date he came to my home, banging on my door. after me telling him to go away and after 10 minutes or so he tells me, I need your help, please open the door. So I did. Yes, I know I should not have but I did. Well after he got inside he started accusing me of sending some guy over to his house with a baseball bat, breaking his moms window in her car at her job, and calling her boss making up a story to get her fired on and on then he put a machette (a hugh long knife) up to my throght. Then he perceeded to go thru my home and take the new video servillance system I just purchased 3 days before, a thick gold chain and my purse with a debit card, check book, etc approx 8 to 10,000 total. Then he left I imediately called the police but I guess my call was not coded a a priority. So finally when they got here I was mad because I felt the police or the 911 operator did not take me seriously. They did not get on the radio and tell other police officers to be on the look out for a certain car etc etc. so I lost it. I feel the police let him get away with stealing my car now I'm afraid he's going to get away with this.I hate to say this, but I'm about to take the law into my own hands because it seems the crooks and thefts have all the rights. In the meantime the mother accused me in the court house of knowing another address which I did not until she said it out loud. and now they are going to serve me again with this new address. I feel she is helping him and the police and the detective (which infact told me they are classifying the case as a aggravated assult. But it seams as tho they are not doing to much to either find him or finding things to build a case against him. I'm notifying the detective about the store where someone wrote one of my checks to and at walmart because I had a couple shopping cards in my purse, but when I call (like I've called 3 times alone this week) and leave a message, I don't get a call back. I think this whole thing is very 1 sided. anyone else out there have any other suggestions as to how to deal with the detective/police and how to deal with this judge that took his sweet time giving me an injunction of hassarment but what I really needed was for him to ask the mother where he is. How can I have someone served when I do not know where they are? Help I'm going crazy and I feel as tho I can't leave my home for fear he will break into my house....
Help, This guy I was seeing for approx 1-2 months was staying at my house for approx 3 days to a week. Well he stole my car and items out of my house while I was asleep. I was going over and around where he says at his moms house and in and around his neighborhood (because I new people there too) and his mom was getting mad because it seamed every time I would be there something would happen or he'd do something to me and I would call the police.So in the mean time I was sitting accross the street trying to find out where he was going to either sell or trade my stuff he stole for drugs. Well she didn't like the fact I was sitting outside her house. So she went to file for a injunction against harassment on ME.In the meantime I was trying to get one on him and his little friend and the judge wanted to see us both so he set the date 1 month away. Just after I went to see the judge and of course the 2 guys did not show up. I did receive my injuction against harassment but it was never served because the mother and everyone else is hiding him or lying for him. So I protested the mothers and because the judge said I was late (which I was only maybe 3 to 5 minutes) and also I was waiting to ask if I could go into the court room but the court clerks were to busy talking to each other, So she was granted an injunction against me. Then I find out that they are moving. thats the only reason why she wanted it. B U T, a couple days before this court date he came to my home, banging on my door. after me telling him to go away and after 10 minutes or so he tells me, I need your help, please open the door. So I did. Yes, I know I should not have but I did. Well after he got inside he started accusing me of sending some guy over to his house with a baseball bat, breaking his moms window in her car at her job, and calling her boss making up a story to get her fired on and on then he put a machette (a hugh long knife) up to my throght. Then he perceeded to go thru my home and take the new video servillance system I just purchased 3 days before, a thick gold chain and my purse with a debit card, check book, etc approx 8 to 10,000 total. Then he left I imediately called the police but I guess my call was not coded a a priority. So finally when they got here I was mad because I felt the police or the 911 operator did not take me seriously. They did not get on the radio and tell other police officers to be on the look out for a certain car etc etc. so I lost it. I feel the police let him get away with stealing my car now I'm afraid he's going to get away with this.I hate to say this, but I'm about to take the law into my own hands because it seems the crooks and thefts have all the rights. In the meantime the mother accused me in the court house of knowing another address which I did not until she said it out loud. and now they are going to serve me again with this new address. I feel she is helping him and the police and the detective (which infact told me they are classifying the case as a aggravated assult. But it seams as tho they are not doing to much to either find him or finding things to build a case against him. I'm notifying the detective about the store where someone wrote one of my checks to and at walmart because I had a couple shopping cards in my purse, but when I call (like I've called 3 times alone this week) and leave a message, I don't get a call back. I think this whole thing is very 1 sided. anyone else out there have any other suggestions as to how to deal with the detective/police and how to deal with this judge that took his sweet time giving me an injunction of hassarment but what I really needed was for him to ask the mother where he is. How can I have someone served when I do not know where they are? Help I'm going crazy and I feel as tho I can't leave my home for fear he will break into my house....