Sexual Abuse
What is the name of your state? TEXAS
She has come home from her father's house twice now with comments about my sister's 5yr old son. The first time was about a month ago. I had asked her if anyone had ever touched her privates and she said "Yes, Z!" when I asked how she put her middle and index finger together and told me he tickled her teetee and butt like that. She told me he pulled her pants down and tickled her. Then she added fictional information (older cousin was there, they were at school and the teacher was there). The next morning I asked again if anyone touched her privates and she told me "Yes, Z" I asked how and she said "he spanks me".
I brought her to the Dr to ask for advice about what to do. I know my nephew, and know under the circumstanses the kids dont have time or the chance for them to get undressed. He recommended me bringing her to a pyschologist. Which I have, twice now and will continue to go as needed weekly. I was concerned because I felt that the strain of the allegations of abuse on me as well as what people were saying at both homes were affecting her. She was getting more aggressive as well as angry.
4/17 went to her dads for 2 hours. Came home with a negative attitude about her hair. Then started telling me how her cousin Z had done something bad to her. I told her how she hadn't seen him for a while and he didn't do that to her. That its not nice to lie about him cause it makes him sad. She often comes home from her dads in a bad mood saying negative things about my family. I thought that by telling her right from the start that its not true and its not okay to talk about it, that would help her decipher truth from lies.
4/22 Started putting her finger in her butt and vagina. I asked why she put it in her vagina and she told me "Cause Z did it, and I wanna touch his teeter" She put her finger, with no prompt from me and told me how it (meaning the vaginal wall I guess) closes over his finger, and procceded to incert her finger in and out of her mouth. I asked how it felt and she said it didn't feel like anything. This was disturbing/disgusting and confusing. Once, obviously it was disturibing because my 3 yr old is saying my 5 yr old nephew has fingered her and is showing me how. But confusing because shes showing me with her finger in her mouth how he did and is tell me in descriptive words what happened. Shes a smart kid, but it sounded more like someone had told her and shown her then that it had physically happened.
I called my mom to come watch her, luckily we live together so she didn't have to come far. I then called my sister and asked her to ask my nephew if hes ever touched her. He admitted to spanking her but nothing else. He also said that he does takes his shirt off but shes never taken her clothes off. She doesnt show signs of abuse. The kids aren't alone together for long periods of time, nor has she ever been cause naked or with her bottoms down, and shes a slow dresser or she'd be caught.
Her fathers made it plain he wants custody. Right now hes getting the new things, car house all new appliances to prove how much better he is. I know that doesn't matter, but he will mention it. He's also tried proving I'm unfit but calling CPS on me, though thats going to back fire on him. He's gone after my friends, saying one of them has sexually abused her. Now he is going after my family and dragging my nephew in it.
She had an appointment today with her pcyshologist. I brought up what she told me about her cousin, and since her father showed up to "set the record straight" and make sure the Dr had the truth our daughter wasn't able to have her appointment. But I was told not to have her examined or anything, since that can be tramatic, to look for signs of abuse, and to continue bringing her to her appointments because she will hopefully be able to get whats going on out of my daughter soon.
I need help with this: and I am sorry for all that information, is what can I do about these accusations against my nephew. If her father or someone at his house is telling her my nephew is molesting her, that is utterly disgusting. Not only is someone making her falsely accuse my nephew, but they are also wronging her by putting it in her head by making her thing he is harming her. And that needs to stop! What can I do??? Thanks
Quote: 04-04-2008, 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by baystategirl
So have you taken your daughter to a doctor? A child psychologist?
I have an appointment on Monday morning (the earliest) for her Dr, we are going to discuss whats best to do. I've already thought of putting her in counseling, but want her Dr to be behind me in the decision.
I've been to the police, who told me its not in their jurisdiction. I've called CPS (the case worker from my alleged abuse) and she told me that if I'm concerned to go ahead and call the 1800 number to CPS and report it, but they could find no signs of anyone abusing her in their investigation.
I'm very concerned, the only thing is hes very good at lying and manipulation so if nothing comes of this he will use it against me and proably tell our daughter lies about me. She is saying and doing more and more things I don't feel is appropriate for her age(like talking about someone tickling her privates, trying to kiss for a long time on the mouth, ect) and I know shes not getting it here. It may be the adults at her fathers house showing harmless affection, but shes seeing it and trying to copy. OR it could be something else.
This is a reposted post but I deleted the old one.
What is the name of your state? TEXAS
She has come home from her father's house twice now with comments about my sister's 5yr old son. The first time was about a month ago. I had asked her if anyone had ever touched her privates and she said "Yes, Z!" when I asked how she put her middle and index finger together and told me he tickled her teetee and butt like that. She told me he pulled her pants down and tickled her. Then she added fictional information (older cousin was there, they were at school and the teacher was there). The next morning I asked again if anyone touched her privates and she told me "Yes, Z" I asked how and she said "he spanks me".
I brought her to the Dr to ask for advice about what to do. I know my nephew, and know under the circumstanses the kids dont have time or the chance for them to get undressed. He recommended me bringing her to a pyschologist. Which I have, twice now and will continue to go as needed weekly. I was concerned because I felt that the strain of the allegations of abuse on me as well as what people were saying at both homes were affecting her. She was getting more aggressive as well as angry.
4/17 went to her dads for 2 hours. Came home with a negative attitude about her hair. Then started telling me how her cousin Z had done something bad to her. I told her how she hadn't seen him for a while and he didn't do that to her. That its not nice to lie about him cause it makes him sad. She often comes home from her dads in a bad mood saying negative things about my family. I thought that by telling her right from the start that its not true and its not okay to talk about it, that would help her decipher truth from lies.
4/22 Started putting her finger in her butt and vagina. I asked why she put it in her vagina and she told me "Cause Z did it, and I wanna touch his teeter" She put her finger, with no prompt from me and told me how it (meaning the vaginal wall I guess) closes over his finger, and procceded to incert her finger in and out of her mouth. I asked how it felt and she said it didn't feel like anything. This was disturbing/disgusting and confusing. Once, obviously it was disturibing because my 3 yr old is saying my 5 yr old nephew has fingered her and is showing me how. But confusing because shes showing me with her finger in her mouth how he did and is tell me in descriptive words what happened. Shes a smart kid, but it sounded more like someone had told her and shown her then that it had physically happened.
I called my mom to come watch her, luckily we live together so she didn't have to come far. I then called my sister and asked her to ask my nephew if hes ever touched her. He admitted to spanking her but nothing else. He also said that he does takes his shirt off but shes never taken her clothes off. She doesnt show signs of abuse. The kids aren't alone together for long periods of time, nor has she ever been cause naked or with her bottoms down, and shes a slow dresser or she'd be caught.
Her fathers made it plain he wants custody. Right now hes getting the new things, car house all new appliances to prove how much better he is. I know that doesn't matter, but he will mention it. He's also tried proving I'm unfit but calling CPS on me, though thats going to back fire on him. He's gone after my friends, saying one of them has sexually abused her. Now he is going after my family and dragging my nephew in it.
She had an appointment today with her pcyshologist. I brought up what she told me about her cousin, and since her father showed up to "set the record straight" and make sure the Dr had the truth our daughter wasn't able to have her appointment. But I was told not to have her examined or anything, since that can be tramatic, to look for signs of abuse, and to continue bringing her to her appointments because she will hopefully be able to get whats going on out of my daughter soon.
I need help with this: and I am sorry for all that information, is what can I do about these accusations against my nephew. If her father or someone at his house is telling her my nephew is molesting her, that is utterly disgusting. Not only is someone making her falsely accuse my nephew, but they are also wronging her by putting it in her head by making her thing he is harming her. And that needs to stop! What can I do??? Thanks
Quote: 04-04-2008, 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by baystategirl
So have you taken your daughter to a doctor? A child psychologist?
I have an appointment on Monday morning (the earliest) for her Dr, we are going to discuss whats best to do. I've already thought of putting her in counseling, but want her Dr to be behind me in the decision.
I've been to the police, who told me its not in their jurisdiction. I've called CPS (the case worker from my alleged abuse) and she told me that if I'm concerned to go ahead and call the 1800 number to CPS and report it, but they could find no signs of anyone abusing her in their investigation.
I'm very concerned, the only thing is hes very good at lying and manipulation so if nothing comes of this he will use it against me and proably tell our daughter lies about me. She is saying and doing more and more things I don't feel is appropriate for her age(like talking about someone tickling her privates, trying to kiss for a long time on the mouth, ect) and I know shes not getting it here. It may be the adults at her fathers house showing harmless affection, but shes seeing it and trying to copy. OR it could be something else.
This is a reposted post but I deleted the old one.
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