I was married to my wife approximately 12 years ago in Pakistan. There, we both signed a pre=nuptual agreement stating that I would give her only 100,000 rupees (equivalent to approx. $2000. us dollars) if we were to ever divorce. We became U.S. citizens about 9 years ago, and now I am getting a divorce from her, and under CALIFORNIA State's COMMUNITY PROPERTY law i must giver her HALF of my current assets, what I've spent, and what I will make in the future. I am a wealthy doctor, but I am wondering whether or not my pre=nuptual agreement is still valid. She and I both signed it along with 3 witnesses each, and this is a common routine in Pakistan for a couple to sign this agreement before they are married. She signed it willingly and was aware of the circumstances. We did not marry in California, or the United States and i have not been able to detect any law stating that pre-nuptual agreements made outside of california or the U.S. are considered VOID, regardless of whether or not they were made here. I mean, we were married in Pakistan and if the marriage certificate is considered valid, and we are considered legally MARRIED, then shouldn't the pre-nuptual be considered valid too? Please help!