If you want to gamble on victory or not, a lawyer could be beneficial, either way you would pay around 200+ damages if awarded. I would try to place the negligence on the owner or the equipment that she supplied you, if this applies.
The owner(s) of the snowplow did not fully explain proper usage.
The owner(s) of the snowplow did not offer to show me the instruction manual.
The owner(s) of the property did not explain in detail or general the hazards of the given property.
The garage door was damaged before this incident.
The snowplow acted like it had a defect or malfunction which caused it to slip, when was the last time it was professionally serviced? (ask the plaintiff through the judge)
Do you have the maintenance records of the snowplow?
The owner(s) in the past had only asked for half of the damages, which I felt were unreasonable considering the condition of the garage door.
The owner stated that despite the damage her equipment caused, it was fine, and not to worry about it.
If the damage is still present, you should take pictures. Since I don’t know the present condition of the door I don’t know what else to say. What are the dates? When did it happen? When did she say give me half? What date did she sue you? While you’re still are at fault, you can shift the blame if the judge will listen. Ware a suit, be professional, address the court “your honor” Don’t yell or raise your voice. Talk directly to the judge at all times in a calm voice.