What is the name of your state? Tennessee
HELP! In May, my boyfriend and I split up and my son and I moved to Tennessee from Iowa. (He is the father and our son is 4) We have FINALLY worked out a custody agreement betweent he two of us where he would have him during the summers. (I wrote it out) we did not want to involve the courts. Nothing has been signed yet! I got a call this morning and he said he is driving down here and getting our son and taking him back to Iowa for the duration of the summer. He will be here Tuesday. What can I do to protect my rights - ensuring he HAS to bring him back. I know he had x amount of days to file something after we left and he choes not to. If he signs the agreement when he gets down here and we have it noterized or something will that protect us? ANY advice is appreciated! PLEASE!!! Thank-you!!!What is the name of your state?
HELP! In May, my boyfriend and I split up and my son and I moved to Tennessee from Iowa. (He is the father and our son is 4) We have FINALLY worked out a custody agreement betweent he two of us where he would have him during the summers. (I wrote it out) we did not want to involve the courts. Nothing has been signed yet! I got a call this morning and he said he is driving down here and getting our son and taking him back to Iowa for the duration of the summer. He will be here Tuesday. What can I do to protect my rights - ensuring he HAS to bring him back. I know he had x amount of days to file something after we left and he choes not to. If he signs the agreement when he gets down here and we have it noterized or something will that protect us? ANY advice is appreciated! PLEASE!!! Thank-you!!!What is the name of your state?