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Their relationship is good and they do care for each other. I might add that I know they have done nothing illegal and they can do what they want with their money; I'm just concerned about what happens should one or both of them die (they are still driving, which is another story - neither should be). He is 85 and his physical condition is not really very good; he has diabetes and is in a wheelchair although he can walk. He fakes mental problems when he doesn't want to answer a question. We were going through their financial papers, at their request, to shred/keep documents and I asked him about a $300,000 withdrawal from Am Exp, and he said "I don't know anything about that", but later I was talking to my mother on the phone and the subject came up about the withdrawal and when she repeated the amount, I heard him in the background say "don't tell her where it is." Re: ALF - he wanted to go into ALF, but my mother refuses to pay for it so that's when he told me he might have to put her in a home soon. I do not know for sure if her lawyers allowed her to sign the latest will, but I suspect they did not. They are very secretive about their bank accts but I do know they are joint accts, but I do not know if there is a named beneficiary - I suspect not. My mother told me that their financial adviser begged them not to do what they did, but they did it anyway - I talked to the financial adviser and she told me that my mother had no idea what was going on, but she still had to comply with their wishes. My stepfather does not really get along with his two sons well enough for me to be concerned about him giving them the cash before his death; I'm more concerned about what happens should one or both of them die. If he dies first, I'm not sure my mother would even know where they put the money. Financially, I'm fine, but am concerned about her grandkids and that they receive what she wanted them to have.