What is the name of your state? New Jersey. Not sure where this fits but I'll try here. I was hired by a developer to run a construction office (it's actually a construction trailer). My primary functions were to keep the books and keep things organized. However, I wound up doing much much more. I actually built a web site for the company with the help of my son. I was not compensated for it but as it came together many more demands were made on the design and maintenance issues. My employer is now hinting that he wants the web application where all of the input data is housed loaded to his system. He wants to take "ownership" I suppose. I used so many different software applications to do this and put so much of my own time into it I'm wondering exactly what I am obligated to give him. Not only was all of my software utilized for this but this business ran solely on my personal lap top for 18 months (he was away). He did not want to purchase a pc and leave it in a "trailer" so each day I would come in pop my laptop into a docking station and each night I would leave. I suppose he has a right to some of the other "work and/or documents" but my main concern is the web application I worked so hard and long and was never compensated. He did reimburse me for the domain name and the host subscription.