What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? South Carolina. I jsut got my court order yesterday. All the the things that is the order is not all the things that the judge said. I was por se in my case and my childrens father had a lawyer. He is a very crucked lawyer. I have called the bar ass. on him and they told me that they are starting to see a patteren. It took 67 days to get the court order because he did not file the order. And then he did not put the order for me to pay child support nor did he put in the order for me to have every other hoilday with my children. But I have another problem.Two days before court their father filed some papers saying that I have suxually abused my children. Which are not ture. Last week I had 2 investorgaters come to my house and I agrred to talk with them at the station. Well when he stated reading the report form a counslor that my children had told that person I liked to fell out of the chair. I just could not beleive what my children were saying and how could they come up with the things they were saying. They are disobaying a court order and they will not let me talk with my children. I am going today to take a lie detector test to prove that I have never have done anything like that. I do not have a lawyer nor do I have the funds for one. I have not seen my children in almost a year. I am so upset about these false accusations. And I question Why would my children be saying things like they are saying? I am currently in the process of filling out a paper to send to the commissions of lawyer conduct. And I am in the process of filling out a contempt of court order. Will the things help me? And how do I fill out a form of false accdusations agnist their father? Will any of that help me? I tried to call my children even though they refuse me to talk to my children. How do I start paying child support? What kind of form do I need to fill out so that they can not use that against me to take my parentrental rights away from me. I was told yesterday by my childrens' father wife that they are going to turn around and suspend my visitation. Can they do that? If so how? I just don't know what to do. I beleive that the lawyer is behind all of this because they didn't have anything else on me to keep me away from my children so they are useing my past against me. Because I was sexually abused by by father when I was a child.I fell like I am being victomized all over again. That is not right. What should I do? Please help me. I feel like I am stuck.