amanda white1
okay this is the problem can a landlord kick you out for making a complaint on someone no matter how many times you have before. and is another tenent allowed to come over to your apartment and almost kick youre door in and cuss and scream at you. do i have any rights against that. and the neighbors keep making complaints on us and we are not doing anything. i have a 3 year old and the landlord says that hes not allowed to make noise. and the landlord says that one more complaint on either one of us and we are kicked out so can he kick both of us out even if one is being to loud and we make a complaint can he kick us out for makint a complaint. the landlord got mad cause when the neighbor almost kicked out door in we called him it was around 130 and we wasnt doing anything but watching a movie and we wasnt even being loud and he said that he is not going to lose sleep over it so is that right i live in west virginia we live in quadroplexs
\okay and does the other tenent have the right to come bang on my door and cuss and screamm
[Edited by amanda white1 on 06-05-2001 at 07:13 PM]
\okay and does the other tenent have the right to come bang on my door and cuss and screamm
[Edited by amanda white1 on 06-05-2001 at 07:13 PM]