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What is the name of your state? Ohio

Today my sister was in court about visitation. For those who don't remember me or this scenerio let me quickly sum it up for you. My sister divorced her ex in 2002 their oldest was 23 months old and their youngest (a product of spousal rape but, not to worry we love her to bits) was barely 4 months old. He had been abusive to her and the children even kicked the bassinet when the baby was 2 weeks old because she dared wake up at 2am for a bottle. I witnessed this. He also had a habit of beating on the oldest if he didn't go to sleep on command and never allowed him out of the crib. As a result the child did not learn to walk until he was 22 months old when my sister left her ex. Ok now, after all was said and done this man disappeared for 14 months and paid not one red cent in child support. Now, three years later complete with new girlfriend this man is trying to claim that my sister has been hiding the kids from him and preventing the visits from taking place. My sister now remarried, has done no such thing but, the magistrate she is dealing with is treating her as if this is true. Please keep in mind that even though she moved, twice our other sister and I have kept our phone numbers listed so that should he wish to get in contact he could. He never did. Anyway, The magistrate is acting like my sister is the scum of the earth and threatening to give the ex everything he wants if my sister doesn't come up with an agreement that she (the magistrate) finds acceptable. These kids don't know this man at all and she (the magistrate) wants to give him only 2 supervised visits and then allow the weekend visits to begin. She's also refusing to have the ex submit to a psych evaluation with overwhelming evidence to his instability. Now question, can this case be given to another magistrate (the judge the magistrate works for isn't helpful either). And if she does this and something happens to the children can she (the magistrate) be prosecuted or penalized in any way for causing harm to come to the children?


Senior Member
KKHeuser said:
What is the name of your state? Ohio

Today my sister was in court about visitation. For those who don't remember me or this scenerio let me quickly sum it up for you. My sister divorced her ex in 2002 their oldest was 23 months old and their youngest (a product of spousal rape but, not to worry we love her to bits) was barely 4 months old. He had been abusive to her and the children even kicked the bassinet when the baby was 2 weeks old because she dared wake up at 2am for a bottle. I witnessed this. He also had a habit of beating on the oldest if he didn't go to sleep on command and never allowed him out of the crib. As a result the child did not learn to walk until he was 22 months old when my sister left her ex. Ok now, after all was said and done this man disappeared for 14 months and paid not one red cent in child support. Now, three years later complete with new girlfriend this man is trying to claim that my sister has been hiding the kids from him and preventing the visits from taking place. My sister now remarried, has done no such thing but, the magistrate she is dealing with is treating her as if this is true. Please keep in mind that even though she moved, twice our other sister and I have kept our phone numbers listed so that should he wish to get in contact he could. He never did. Anyway, The magistrate is acting like my sister is the scum of the earth and threatening to give the ex everything he wants if my sister doesn't come up with an agreement that she (the magistrate) finds acceptable. These kids don't know this man at all and she (the magistrate) wants to give him only 2 supervised visits and then allow the weekend visits to begin. She's also refusing to have the ex submit to a psych evaluation with overwhelming evidence to his instability. Now question, can this case be given to another magistrate (the judge the magistrate works for isn't helpful either). And if she does this and something happens to the children can she (the magistrate) be prosecuted or penalized in any way for causing harm to come to the children?
I will comment on this post .

I'm not being hypocrite , but let's look at this in reality .

( IF ) you say what is true about the abuse , IT IS up to BOTH Parents to protect their children, including from another Parent .

SO according to you FACTS , the mother for 22 months knew and watched the Alleged abuse . No mention of any CPS involvement , no mention of Legal criminal involvement .

Therefore , mother moves , father does not have contact .

We only have one side of said Story .

Sounds like the Father will be awarded visitations , and magistrate is NOT out of line , with what was put before her .


Blonde Lebinese said:
I will comment on this post .

I'm not being hypocrite , but let's look at this in reality .

( IF ) you say what is true about the abuse , IT IS up to BOTH Parents to protect their children, including from another Parent .

SO according to you FACTS , the mother for 22 months knew and watched the Alleged abuse . No mention of any CPS involvement , no mention of Legal criminal involvement .

Therefore , mother moves , father does not have contact .

We only have one side of said Story .

Sounds like the Father will be awarded visitations , and magistrate is NOT out of line , with what was put before her .
This is reality. There are reasons CPS was not called. And whenever abuse happened there was intervention usually my sister, myself or the owner of the home we were living in (hint to the reason CPS was never called). The results of his being "treated like a child" (his words) usually resulted in him destroying things outside the home in full view of the neighbors. And yes police were called on a couple of the more serious occasions. We once watched him literally tear his own car apart with his bare hands. Yes, my sister moved but, she notified CSEA and her attorney and it was after 11 months with no contact. The owner of the home we had lived in maintained the same phone number for two years after for the same reason my other sister and I made sure ours was listed. Oh and I failed to mention one other major issue, I apologize. Her ex admitted today in court that he has been using drugs.

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