Im in Coleman,Texas. Seven teen and am wondering if i can move out, and live with a friend until i get on my feet, without having my parents bring me back, or the cops, or the system.
In general, it works like this. Legally, you are required to live where your parents tell you to live. They can come get you if you try to move out. Until you're an adult (or an emancipated minor which won't apply since you're not self-sufficient), they have 100% control over where you live.
Now, the only thing that makes it different than a simple 'no' is your question about the police bringing you back. In many counties in TX, the police will NOT get involved in making a 17 year old return home. That won't stop your parents from coming to get you. It also won't stop them from suing whoever is interfering with their parental rights. But the police might not get involved.
Unless you want your friend or friend's parents to face possible custodial interference charges (or, conceivably even kidnapping charges under some circumstances), don't do it.