I live in Texas, and about ten months ago I posted an ad on Craigslist to hire someone to develop an iPhone app for me, we talked back and fourth over phone and email and he said he could do it, I decided to hire him and pay him everything upfront ($5,500) instead of weekly as it would save me money in the long run, (yes I realise that was a bad decision on my part, not here for a lecture). I met him in person, had him sign a contract I got offline and edited to fit what we needed, and payed him with a money order. Now ten months later I haven't heard from him. I've got his old number, emails, picture of his drivers license, and signed contract. I was finally able to get in contact with a woman who was married to his uncle (through facebook) and she talked to his mom who said that she didn't want to get involved and that the aunt shouldn't either. What legal action can or should I take? I don't know his address (the one on the license was old and the license was expired by a few years). If I can sue for breech of contract or fraud what are the chances I'll get the money back? Should I just let it go and move on?