I sent $180. to receive a disk with forms to download so I can fill in the provided information, print out the forms, and get $20. for each form I fill out. The agreement I signed was not to duplicate any of the forms for competing companies. After receiving the packet, it was then explained that the names were not provided and a lot of outside research and time was going to have to be spent finding out the information needed in order to fill out the forms. In order to get your refundable deposit back, you needed to fill out 20 forms and then it would be refunded to you. I sent everything back to the company and asked for my money back stating that information regarding what was required to do the job was misleading. They also failed to mention anything about obtaining permits and licenses in thier introduction. If anyone wants to see exactly what I am referring to, www.aviathome.com is the site. What I want to know, is there anything I can legally do to get my money back from this company? I have all the information they sent to me plus copies of emails and letters I have sent to them and they have sent to me. I know I am in the right and hope someone has some good advice.