I have a house in Marysville Ohio. My wife and I have been divorced for over a year. I was depressed and moved out of the house in November, 1999. I have not paid on it since. I received notice in March that the bank was going to forclosure. I received another letter at the beginning of May informing me of the lawyer for the bank.
I now want to save my credit to the best of my ability. I don't have the money to pay the bank up. I would like to sell the house.
I called the bank's lawyer and asked what my options were. I was told that, one - I could let it go to forclosure, two - I could sign over the deed to the bank.
These are the only options they gave me. They said they had applied for w date for forclosure but when I went to the courthouse no date was listed.
I feel that the bank may have a buyer for my house and just want me to sign it over to them to make money on it. This property is currently zoned residential but it is across the street from commercial and I don't feel it would be difficult to have it re-zoned. I owe approximately $75,000. and was recently offered $115,000. for commercial use if I could sell it.
What are my rights and how do I get the bank and their lawyer to work with me in letting me get the house sold instead of signing it over to them or going to forclosure.
I now want to save my credit to the best of my ability. I don't have the money to pay the bank up. I would like to sell the house.
I called the bank's lawyer and asked what my options were. I was told that, one - I could let it go to forclosure, two - I could sign over the deed to the bank.
These are the only options they gave me. They said they had applied for w date for forclosure but when I went to the courthouse no date was listed.
I feel that the bank may have a buyer for my house and just want me to sign it over to them to make money on it. This property is currently zoned residential but it is across the street from commercial and I don't feel it would be difficult to have it re-zoned. I owe approximately $75,000. and was recently offered $115,000. for commercial use if I could sell it.
What are my rights and how do I get the bank and their lawyer to work with me in letting me get the house sold instead of signing it over to them or going to forclosure.