What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Atlanta
My housemate and I have never been on great terms, but we've gotten by until recently.
I asked if my boyfriend could stay here a while back and she said yes. He's been living here rent-free from June 11, so I get her point. For what it's worth, he's a nice guy and they seem to get along fine. He does her dishes and cleans up after her when he's here and he helped her when she locked her keys in the car. no big deal, whatever. I get that he's not on the lease, and shame on him and I.
My housemate is in and out of financial problems and she has lost her job a few times. The last time she lost her job she was out of work for quite a while and not being very financially responsible. She took a couple vacation trips and along the way had a money crisis and asked me for $300, which I gave her. She never paid it back. She also has had a really mean yappy dog that, shame on us, we never told the apt. company about for a year and a half. (pet rent is only 15/month and 300 deposit) They found out anyway probably because the dog barks a lot. every single person that comes in the house, including me, gets barked at for several minutes. Pees in the house sometimes. I never asked for the dog to be there, but again, whatever.
well, rent is due and my housemate is threatening to take me to court for 1/3 of rent+utils for past three months. Boyfriend has not changed utility costs btw, it's all pretty much a flat rate. He has offered to give her basically what she asked for, but hasn't done it yet, until we know more. We both feel pretty threatened.
I also have a long history of verbally abusive texts (I've only responded by trying to fix things, not by reciprocating), and it turns out the leasing office doesn't have my signature on this year's lease.
housemate says she'll take me to court and win and she'd done it before. Can she do this?
My housemate and I have never been on great terms, but we've gotten by until recently.
I asked if my boyfriend could stay here a while back and she said yes. He's been living here rent-free from June 11, so I get her point. For what it's worth, he's a nice guy and they seem to get along fine. He does her dishes and cleans up after her when he's here and he helped her when she locked her keys in the car. no big deal, whatever. I get that he's not on the lease, and shame on him and I.
My housemate is in and out of financial problems and she has lost her job a few times. The last time she lost her job she was out of work for quite a while and not being very financially responsible. She took a couple vacation trips and along the way had a money crisis and asked me for $300, which I gave her. She never paid it back. She also has had a really mean yappy dog that, shame on us, we never told the apt. company about for a year and a half. (pet rent is only 15/month and 300 deposit) They found out anyway probably because the dog barks a lot. every single person that comes in the house, including me, gets barked at for several minutes. Pees in the house sometimes. I never asked for the dog to be there, but again, whatever.
well, rent is due and my housemate is threatening to take me to court for 1/3 of rent+utils for past three months. Boyfriend has not changed utility costs btw, it's all pretty much a flat rate. He has offered to give her basically what she asked for, but hasn't done it yet, until we know more. We both feel pretty threatened.
I also have a long history of verbally abusive texts (I've only responded by trying to fix things, not by reciprocating), and it turns out the leasing office doesn't have my signature on this year's lease.
housemate says she'll take me to court and win and she'd done it before. Can she do this?