Think of it like this. There is a website on the Internet that deals with my profession. It allows customers whom have had interactions with my company, or myself personally, to post their experience, this site focuses on the negative comments.
There are these type of sites for just about every profession that deals with the general public. In fact I will sometimes look for public opinion on these sites, if I'm undecided between the purchase of several different products or brands, they help provide some insight as to what I should expect if the product fails or if I need support of any kind etc..
A consumer went onto this site and posted positive comments, the comments, were overly generous.
So you believe these positive comments that were posted were done so with the intention of being sarcastic? How do you know this is indeed the case? Do you know who is responsible for posting the information?
It is written in such away that it sounds as if it is myself who wrote the comments. The comment references my first and last name and the company for which I work.
I don't follow what you refer to when you say they were "written in such a way" Message boards like the one your posting on here, post the name, or the "handle" a person registers with, along with the posted content. So anyone reading these posts would know the person posting it, goes by the handle, "outonbail" for example. So did this person specifically post your name to identify themselves with? I'm not sure how else it would become, "in such a way" and since you seem hesitant to explain with more clarity, why you consider this an intentional attempt to harm you and your reputation, I don't think any members can offer you much advise.
This is a VIOLATION of my company policy. I can not participate on any online forums in regards to my company, as that would mean I was representing my company with my own biased opinion rather than official word.
Wow, now you've completely lost me. How can you be representing the company with something you didn't have anything to do with? and what the hell is the difference between your opinion and your official word?
I have asked the site administrator to remove all references to me from their website, which they refuse to do. Since it does reference my full name and identifies myself directly, do I have any recourse? They didn't get permission to use my name from me, I mean, if I can take a photo of an individual and I must get permission or 3rd party consent to use them in it, why isn't it the same with my name.
The only thing I can suggest is that you speak to an attorney in your area and bring in examples of what is going on so he/she can see for themselves what your concerns are. You can probably find an attorney who will give you a free first consultation or for a small fee. Then request the attorney to write a letter to this sites administrator, on your behalf, requesting them to remove the posts or risk legal action. I would also put in the usual mumbo jumbo about court costs, attorney fees, possible punitive damages blah blah blah..
Having this done by an attorney and on his letterhead shouldn't cost you too much and it will probably accomplish what it is your looking for. (removal of this sarcastic post, with misleading purpose as to the identity of the author)
Receiving letters from lawyers usually has an impact on people. So I believe they would find it in their best interest to take the path of least resistance and least cost, which is to simply remove the post.
If nothing else, you could use a copy of the letter to show your company that you had nothing to do with the posted information and they shouldn't hold you responsible.
Aside from this suggestion, I don't know what more your looking for.