Nan D
I live in Oklahoma, this past summer I helped a person from my church after she was sentenced to 10 years in prison for child molestation. She lead me to believe that if I didn't help her get her car and the things from her home that she didn't have anyone to help and she would lose everything. A sister flew in from another state and we made a verbal agreement that I would store her sister's property until her prison sentence was over. I only did this to keep them from having to pay for storage which would have been in excess of $150 per month possibly for 10 years. I spent literally every weekend this summer over at this person's house packing her belongings, I even took her dog in. It took every weekend from the 1st of July to the end of Sept., because I have 2 kids, a job, and was trying to recoup from the injuries I sustain in the car wreck, it took some time. Not only did it take time, but I had to foot the bill for the gas. I never complained since I was using her vehicle. I had just totaled my car in a wreck so I made arrangements to drive her car so that I would have transportation for her stuff to my house. I was able to do that until the car was reposessed. Now 4 months later I recieve a call from her sister that they want to transfer all of her stuff somewhere, because the prisoner is mad because I have not had the time to go see her. My question is because I feel such a vindictivness from this person I want to be protected in case she comes back to say I stole anything from her. Is there a legal document that I need to have before I release her stuff? Some of her furniture was damaged in the move and some of her boxes got wet and damaged. I was told by her sister not to worry, but I can't evidently can't take their word. Do I have an entitlement due to the fact I have stored at great discomfort to my household this woman's possessions? I've had to cram all this furniture into a mobile home to the point where I had to take out some of my belongings to accomodate her things. My mother is storing some of her large appliances. I would love to be able to make them pay for my time and the physical work involved in this, but they threatened to sue me. I'm a Christian and sueing would be the last thing I would think of doing. With just verbal agreement and no written agreement what do I need to do?