there is a woman in Oaklawn in the state of Illinois that has sent me text messages to my cell phone here int the Uk, and when I respond to ask why? she tells people on the internet that I am her stalker. Because I have been out of contact with people for sometime dealing with the death of my father this woman has told lie after lie about me and when I have returned I have found out that she even has them thinking I have sent the text messages to myself with a time delay from another phone. My cell phone has a recording of the time that the message were sent and the time I received it and it comes in under her name so the number is not shown in the call detains that has to be looked up in my contacts list. I have ALWAYS been brought up never to lie about anything so how can I show firstly that these text messages came from this woman? secondly what action can I take to stop her from blackening my name?