I have been attending a private college since march. Applied for a private student loan and the funds of 22,000 were dispersed to the school may 18th. There is a credit balance of 11,00 that i need to pay for expenses. The school told me i would receive the money by the end of June. Here it is the end of july and no money yet. I have called the school numerous times and i cant get a straight answer. How long can they hold the money? I’m a full time student 4.0 gpa and have no holds or sanctions at all. Please help!!!
I have been attending a private college since march. Applied for a private student loan and the funds of 22,000 were dispersed to the school may 18th. There is a credit balance of 11,00 that i need to pay for expenses. The school told me i would receive the money by the end of June. Here it is the end of july and no money yet. I have called the school numerous times and i cant get a straight answer. How long can they hold the money? I’m a full time student 4.0 gpa and have no holds or sanctions at all. Please help!!!