Fight against lifetime alimony. Lifetime is a really long time, and we women are really capable of learning to support ourselves, even in midlife.
Personally, I find the notion that a woman needs to be supported for life if she hasn't worked in a few years to be insulting and patronizing to women. I changed careers past age 50. My mom went to work after 15 years as a SAHM. I have a sib that went back to school at age 38 and got two masters degrees and now has a high powered job. I have another relative who was a SAHP to four kids for 20 years, then went to Law School and now has a small law practice. I know someone else who lost a significant amount of their speaking ability due to brain damage and chose to go learn real estate appraisal (in their late 40s) so they could have a job and pride in themselves. I know some people who lost EVERYTHING in Europe during WW2 and came to the US with only the shirt on their backs, some ingenuity and made a life for themselves.
People remake themselves all the time.
Besides, what if something happened to YOU? She depending on you, long term, is just a really BAD plan. YOU could yourself become unemployed, injured, disabled, and if she sat around depending on you instead of now learning her own career, she'd be out of luck. Heck, your industry could go to pot, and your income nosedive. None of us know the future. If that happened, you'd be expected to learn a new career. Why shouldn't she? It's not like childrearing kills brain cells and makes you forever incapable of learning..
It's outrageous to "write off" anyone who is able bodied and reasonably capable, and presume they can't learn a sustainable career later in life. These days, in this economy MANY, many people have HAD to learn new careers in midlife. Women don't become blithering idiots who can't learn anything just because they took a bit of a break from working to be their child's caregiver full time.