What is the name of your state? Montana. Hello. My 2 siblings and I inherited equal shares of a house. There is no mortgage on the house. My sister and I both want to give our portion of the house to our brother. We have each put some money in to repairs, etc., and would want to be reimbursed for that. My brother cannot afford to do that without selling the house. It was pointed out to me that if we just quit claimed our portion of the house over to him, and something happened to him before he sold the house, medicaid could possibly take all the proceeds and we would be out of luck, but the state can't deprive us of our property. My thought was we could sign over (sell for $1) all but a percentage of the house that's approximately equal to what we put into it at the minimum expected sale price. (For example my sister put in about $2800, so if we expect the house to sell for at least $300K, she would sign over 32.33% and retain 1%.) My questions are: 1) Can we do this DIY with a simple quit claim? Or do we need to do some other kind of deed? 2) Is there some other paperwork you would recommend we should file along with it? (Montana seems to like its paperwork and hoops to jump through.) 3) Can anybody see any legal problems, etc. that might come from this? Thank you very much for your advice!