I live in northern Michigan. The village I am in is attempting to build a sewer system. While it has not come to a vote yet, there is a possibility that it may pass. The cost per REU is extimated at $15,000 up front and then $40/month user fees. I have an up to date septic system.
I am disabled and only have Social Security disability, my wife does work. We do not make a lot of money, and have very little in the bank. There is no possible way that we can afford the cost of the monthly fee let alone the up front costs. The village has said that if the system passes that hook up is mandatory, which will force us to sell our home. The question I have is there any way to avoid hook up to the system? In one part of the notice we were sent, a question was put forth wondering why the whole township will not be assessed the costs and only the people in the proposed sewer district. The answer was as follows: "With the assessment method of project financing, the property to be assessed must receive a definite benefit from the proposed improvement."
Since I have an up to date and up to code septic system, and seeing as I will be financially destroyed by this system, can I challenge it on the grounds that I will not receive a definite benefit from the system? Any and all help would be great. Thank you.
I am disabled and only have Social Security disability, my wife does work. We do not make a lot of money, and have very little in the bank. There is no possible way that we can afford the cost of the monthly fee let alone the up front costs. The village has said that if the system passes that hook up is mandatory, which will force us to sell our home. The question I have is there any way to avoid hook up to the system? In one part of the notice we were sent, a question was put forth wondering why the whole township will not be assessed the costs and only the people in the proposed sewer district. The answer was as follows: "With the assessment method of project financing, the property to be assessed must receive a definite benefit from the proposed improvement."
Since I have an up to date and up to code septic system, and seeing as I will be financially destroyed by this system, can I challenge it on the grounds that I will not receive a definite benefit from the system? Any and all help would be great. Thank you.