What is the name of your state? South Carolina
January 10 I was going to work and stopped for a school bus. The bus was in the right lane and I was in the left lane and she had her stop sign out. A commercial truck rear ended me going probably about 50 mph. He actually got out of his truck and told me how I wasn't supposed to stop for the bus. Needless to say he was charged. I went to the ER. I had a bad case of whiplash. I am suffering from Post Concussion syndrome. I have terrible ringing in my ears and dizzyness and I lack concentration. I haven't been able to work since. I'm single. I have a mortgage, I am out of money. I have paid for the last three doctor's visits and I'm supposed to see a neurologist but I can't afford to pay for it. It's $150 to $250 for the first visit. I really need to go. The other guys insurance company won't reimburse me for anything until Im done going to the doctors. I can't go because I can't pay out of pocket anymore. I can't work. What the hell am I supposed to do? Do I get to lose my house and have my credit destroyed due to some neglegent jackass?
January 10 I was going to work and stopped for a school bus. The bus was in the right lane and I was in the left lane and she had her stop sign out. A commercial truck rear ended me going probably about 50 mph. He actually got out of his truck and told me how I wasn't supposed to stop for the bus. Needless to say he was charged. I went to the ER. I had a bad case of whiplash. I am suffering from Post Concussion syndrome. I have terrible ringing in my ears and dizzyness and I lack concentration. I haven't been able to work since. I'm single. I have a mortgage, I am out of money. I have paid for the last three doctor's visits and I'm supposed to see a neurologist but I can't afford to pay for it. It's $150 to $250 for the first visit. I really need to go. The other guys insurance company won't reimburse me for anything until Im done going to the doctors. I can't go because I can't pay out of pocket anymore. I can't work. What the hell am I supposed to do? Do I get to lose my house and have my credit destroyed due to some neglegent jackass?