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I thought my daughter wanted to move back home

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? ga
she signed papers at 14 behind my back 2 years ago, her Dad and stepmother were letting her do things I would not, they pretty much brainwashed her to their way of thinking and lured her in
let me back up a little, when I found out what was going on over there( boys staying the night, buying her cigarretts, letting her drink, cops there when Dad and new wife would fight, etc) I filed for change if visatation, that is when she signed papers at age 14, this broke my heart and she continues to do things that I would never allow
I do see her everyother weekend and pay childsupport, my ex broke up for a little while and she finally started telling me things that went on over there, said she wanted to come back, then she changed her mind when the Ex got back with the troublmaking wife, this woman even threatened my daughter and said when she turned 21 she would find her and beat her ass, my Ex sees nothing wrong with bringing this woman back in the household(or should I say Hotel room, thats what they do, live in hotel after hotel)
anyway my question is----do I file contempt on him for things he is doing or not doing according to our decree, since she now won't come home, but I want these issues to be know and on a record somewhere
thanks for any help, my heart has been ripped out over this, if he is found in contempt could I still ask the judge if I can get her back in my custody?


Senior Member
needharmony said:
What is the name of your state? ga
she signed papers at 14 behind my back 2 years ago, her Dad and stepmother were letting her do things I would not, they pretty much brainwashed her to their way of thinking and lured her in
let me back up a little, when I found out what was going on over there( boys staying the night, buying her cigarretts, letting her drink, cops there when Dad and new wife would fight, etc) I filed for change if visatation, that is when she signed papers at age 14, this broke my heart and she continues to do things that I would never allow
I do see her everyother weekend and pay childsupport, my ex broke up for a little while and she finally started telling me things that went on over there, said she wanted to come back, then she changed her mind when the Ex got back with the troublmaking wife, this woman even threatened my daughter and said when she turned 21 she would find her and beat her ass, my Ex sees nothing wrong with bringing this woman back in the household(or should I say Hotel room, thats what they do, live in hotel after hotel)
anyway my question is----do I file contempt on him for things he is doing or not doing according to our decree, since she now won't come home, but I want these issues to be know and on a record somewhere
thanks for any help, my heart has been ripped out over this, if he is found in contempt could I still ask the judge if I can get her back in my custody?

I can't make heads nor tails of what is going on , who signed what , or anything else .

Start with any current court orders , what the orders are , and how you belief they were violated ?


Junior Member

daughter and ex signed child custody modifacation 2 years ago, Ga allows child to decide at 14 who to live with, they lied to lawyer and said I did not have proper home and she wanted to live with Dad, my lawyer basiclly said let her go, she will give me trouble if she stays, I said no want to fight it, he and his new wife let her do what she wanted, became her bestfriend, not a parent, Judge let her go that day
2 years laternow, she stated she wnts to move back with me, she sees grass not greener over at Dad's, I got the forms to do it myself for change of custody, then they talked her out of coming home, I want to know if i file contempt on him for other things he has not complied with , wll it at least bring to light the things that go on over there, they live in a hotel and buy her cigarretts, she has moved several times, i could go on and on about things that are not fit for child, do i do anything or wait 1 more year and she'll be 18, is it worth filing contempt?


Senior Member
needharmony said:
daughter and ex signed child custody modifacation 2 years ago, Ga allows child to decide at 14 who to live with, they lied to lawyer and said I did not have proper home and she wanted to live with Dad, my lawyer basiclly said let her go, she will give me trouble if she stays, I said no want to fight it, he and his new wife let her do what she wanted, became her bestfriend, not a parent, Judge let her go that day
2 years laternow, she stated she wnts to move back with me, she sees grass not greener over at Dad's, I got the forms to do it myself for change of custody, then they talked her out of coming home, I want to know if i file contempt on him for other things he has not complied with , wll it at least bring to light the things that go on over there, they live in a hotel and buy her cigarretts, she has moved several times, i could go on and on about things that are not fit for child, do i do anything or wait 1 more year and she'll be 18, is it worth filing contempt?
You have not mentioned the 'other' things you think he's in contempt for.

This is why most here believe that GA is wrong as they stand as the only state that allows a child to decide at any age let alone 14. Your child keeps changing her mind.

You still receive your visitation and if she's almost 18 is there really a reason to spend all that money for her simply do what she wants when 18?


Junior Member

I'm sorry, just been obessed with this for a long time, I'm very weary of this whole saga, let me try again....the new wife (evil stepmother) and the ex are letting my daughter smoke, they buy her cigarretts and have since she was 15, the stepmother when my ex and her were broke up for awhile , threatened to beat my daughters ass when turned 21, that in her opinion my daughter was running her marraige to her father, telling my daughter that no one likes you and you have no friends, this woman has harrassed me over the last 2 years, she is not even liked by her own family, (my 21 daughter does'nt go around this woman) the ex has lived in 5 pay by week hotels in the last 9 months because they were evicted from their apt, they both have family violence cases against them, they have let my daughter's boyfriends spend the night at their place , he never once gave me a copy of her grades, even putting the stepmother as the mother, she failed a class last year and did not set up any summer school for her, I have to pay child support till she graduates and the stepmother does not work, he took her out of state for vac and did not tell me, he never gives me notice when he moves to these hotels, these people put my daughter in an unhealthy environment, he changes my visatation days without notice,he has primary custody and my daughter has not been to a dentist in 2 years
do i have case or should I leave it alone


Senior Member
needharmony said:
I'm sorry, just been obessed with this for a long time, I'm very weary of this whole saga, let me try again....the new wife (evil stepmother) and the ex are letting my daughter smoke, they buy her cigarretts and have since she was 15,

The law is technically that your child cannot buy them. Not sure it's illegal to let her smoke. To top it off... even if it was it would be hard for you to use this now since you've obviously known about it.

the stepmother when my ex and her were broke up for awhile , threatened to beat my daughters ass when turned 21, that in her opinion my daughter was running her marraige to her father, telling my daughter that no one likes you and you have no friends,

Although I don't agree with the actions, that alone isn't going to be enough to change custody. It will be entirely situational.

this woman has harrassed me over the last 2 years,

This has nothing to do with custody matters.

she is not even liked by her own family,

Not relevent

(my 21 daughter does'nt go around this woman)

not relevent

the ex has lived in 5 pay by week hotels in the last 9 months because they were evicted from their apt, they both have family violence cases against them, they have let my daughter's boyfriends spend the night at their place ,

Unless the boyfriend is within the age that it would be legal you likely don't have anything there. As far as the hotels as long as he's supporting her and not neglecting her or her needs or putting her in danger by living in the hotels this won't matter. Parents don't lose custody because they are poor. If you push the issue he might be able to modify child support and ask for more.

The 'family' violence cases statement is too vague to comment on.

he never once gave me a copy of her grades,

Does it state that he's supposed to? What's prevented you from getting them yourself?

even putting the stepmother as the mother,
This would get him nothing more than chastised.

she failed a class last year and did not set up any summer school for her,

Was the class required for graduation?

I have to pay child support till she graduates

As do nearly ALL NCPs as some longer

and the stepmother does not work,

Not relevent and frankly none of your business really

he took her out of state for vac and did not tell me,

Is he required?

he never gives me notice when he moves to these hotels,

Ok.. yet you do find out and you've maintained your every other weekend visitation so you do know... what is your argument here?

these people put my daughter in an unhealthy environment,

That is something the judge would be in charge of determining

he changes my visatation days without notice,

In the very first post you stated you get your visitation time and mentioned nothing of this. What gives now?

he has primary custody and my daughter has not been to a dentist in 2 years
Does she need to go?

do i have case or should I leave it alone
Nothing you've said here proves anything. Some of what you are arguing about are based on specific situations that you are vague about or dependant on what the decree states (i.e. going on vacation), while there are SEVERAL issues that are not relevent or even your concern.

Personally if your daughter is nearly 18 again, I don't know that I would waste the money to even attempt.


Junior Member
I'm just a mother who wants to protect

her daughter, thanks for your reply, I pray that my daughter will one day see that I love her and never wanted her to leave because she did'nt get her way at our house, I have rules and her father just wants child support so his wife doesnt have to work
since I have wrote this in lat 2 hours she has called me from her 5th hotel, I asked her does sge even know what school she will go to, of course the answer is no, they will b4e moving again in a couple of days
wish me luck


Senior Member
tigger22472 said:
Nothing you've said here proves anything. Some of what you are arguing about are based on specific situations that you are vague about or dependant on what the decree states (i.e. going on vacation), while there are SEVERAL issues that are not relevent or even your concern.

Personally if your daughter is nearly 18 again, I don't know that I would waste the money to even attempt.
There are a couple of thing that I have to disagree with.

It's illegal for anyone under 18 to smoke, buy or even be in possession of cigarettes. If a minor breaks this law, they can lose their driver's license until they turn 18. It's an even bigger crime for an adult to buy cigarettes for a minor. This could turn into a HUGE issue in court. Not only is dad allowing the minor to commit a crime, he is also facilitating the crime. Parents have lost custody of their children for just smoking in enclosed spaces when the child is exposed to this kind of environment. It's detrimental to the child's health. As long as mom does not allow her to smoke, she should be pretty much in the clear.

Living in pay-by-the-week motels may also be a problem. These types of motels are usually in very bad neighborhoods and filled with criminal activity. In addition to the weekly rates, they usually have hourly rates to.

I agree that most of the other issues are completely irrelevant or, at most, petty, but they do support mom's "unfit" claimed when considered along with the serious problems.

Not notifying mom of the change of address is most likely a violation of the court order. Judges normally order ALL parties to inform the other parent AND the court of any change of address, phone number and employment.
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