children education IEP laws Help!!!
What is the name of your state?
I am from new jersey and I have a question about my son's education.
At the end of the school year 2005.My son's IEP team had stated that a certain teacher would be great for him.I approved it there decision and trusting them to do the best they could.To my knowledge that was set in stone
When August came we got the bus passes with the school teachers name on it.
I was extremly upset not to find the teacher that was on the iep report.instead he got one of the new teachers that just came in.
I know I must sound uneducated and quit frankly I feel like I have been taken for a ride .I called the superintendent about this .I requested my son to have this certain teacher.He said it would be impossble..the teacher are set and your son's aide is a shared aide.I found out it was not the truth.
what are my rights?More then that what are my son's rights?Do I go to the district to get a lawyer if I have a case?
He did not get the teacher the iep team said that would be good for him.
please someone help me.I know my son is worth fighting for.I want that teacher for him although the school year is getting into November and I think that a change for him would be very hard snice he is attached to everyone.
I feel like suing ....I have been taken advantage of....
thanks for your time and energy,
What is the name of your state?
I am from new jersey and I have a question about my son's education.
At the end of the school year 2005.My son's IEP team had stated that a certain teacher would be great for him.I approved it there decision and trusting them to do the best they could.To my knowledge that was set in stone
When August came we got the bus passes with the school teachers name on it.
I was extremly upset not to find the teacher that was on the iep report.instead he got one of the new teachers that just came in.
I know I must sound uneducated and quit frankly I feel like I have been taken for a ride .I called the superintendent about this .I requested my son to have this certain teacher.He said it would be impossble..the teacher are set and your son's aide is a shared aide.I found out it was not the truth.
what are my rights?More then that what are my son's rights?Do I go to the district to get a lawyer if I have a case?
He did not get the teacher the iep team said that would be good for him.
please someone help me.I know my son is worth fighting for.I want that teacher for him although the school year is getting into November and I think that a change for him would be very hard snice he is attached to everyone.
I feel like suing ....I have been taken advantage of....
thanks for your time and energy,
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